With an influx of inquiries about leaking chimneys in the past few weeks of heavy rain we have compiled a simple guide to answer your calls:
If your chimney doesn’t leak in every rain event, but has started to show watermarks like below, then the issue is likely water is getting through the top of your chimney or cracked brickwork and then saturating the internal stack enough for the water to penetrate the internal walls leaving staining and possible bubbling paint as per the below photo.
How this happens: Cracks or missing chimney caps allow water to enter from the top of the chimney (blue arrow).
The water then builds up, runs and pools internally (Pink and blue highlights) within the chimney and eventually penetrating the masonry and showing up as internal stains or bubbling paint like picture 1.
How to fix this issue:
If your chimney top or masonry looks like this (below), then you should contact a specialist to re-point and flaunch the chimney.
If you’re struggling to find one try https://www.pointbrik.com.au/contact/. Heritage slate roofing has no ties with this company, but has seen some of the good work they have carried out. We suggest to do your own research before committing.
Contact the team today to find out more 0451 399 226 or email us at kyle@heritageslateroofing.com.au
Team Heritage